Many pedestrians seem to be deaf to bells, other cyclists cut across and most do not stop when the obstruction is on their side, and some motorists use intimidation tactics. This is a recurring problem, and one which affects not only me. So, what can the matter be? Most probably, people in general are not mindful of one another. So, what`s a cyclist to do? Mind the others. Anything that moves.
There are countless exercises to focus attention and improve concentration. One such exercise, for example, involves thinking about everything green and writing it down, and as I cycle I would look out for anything green, as it were. This eventually changed to other cyclists, cars, and is now no longer an exercise but a habit. I look for anything that moves. It is very easy to have an accident, even when one is careful. I have not had any accidents, but recent close calls make me glad that I have a helmet, and remind me to mind the others.
No one wears helmets to look good. According to my unscientific survey, not one single (beauty/fashion) magazine cover features bicycle helmets. That said, the man in the shop told me I looked good in mine, and I believe him. For the past fortnight, I have been greeted by different reactions when I am cycling: curious or unreadable looks, and smiles and chuckles. I answer all of them with smiles, aware that I could look odd, what with my serious cyclist look and rented city bike (by city bike I mean no gears!).
On a serious note, in many countries it is still a matter of personal choice whether or not to wear a helmet, and one should choose intelligently by considering the facts (law, accidents, safety etc).
For my part, I won`t be using my brains for brakes, not for anything that moves.
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